
5 top tips for candidates in their job search

There has been more than 46,000 workers in U.S.-based tech companies having been laid off in mass job cuts so far in 2023. But what is the best approach to finding the best next opportunity? 1: Tailor your CV to the role you are applying for Most people know that one CV and one cover letter will not do it all in this day and age.  Tailoring your CV  has never been more important.  Many organisations now use applicant tracking systems which means that when you submit your CV, tailored software picks out keywords that relate to the job advert. Review your CV and make sure that your CV highlights all the essential points listed in the job spec.  Yes, this does mean tailoring your CV and cover letter for every job. It may mean changing the format of your CV to give you a better chance of success. 2: Utilise specialised recruitment agencies Using a specialised agency can be beneficial for both sides. A good agency that has a specialised approach to the market can usually suggest new interesting companies that you may have never have heard of. Also any recruiter worth their salt can usually have a more direct approach to the market and sell in your profile to the relevant decision maker rather than having your profile slip between the cracks on after hundreds of non-relevant candidates have applied to a job. 3: Add more detail to your LinkedIn Profile How can you expect to be find a new role if no one can find you? The mistake many candidates make is not updating their LinkedIn profile to match the CV that they are applying with. It is no secret that we are now in the age of social media and now even more than ever decision makers usually will check out a persons LinkedIn profile prior to inviting them to interview. Whether it is updating your bio, description or requesting some recommendations, having some sort of social media presence is going to be important in your job search. 4: Go beyond the job boards Especially during a time where there are more candidates looking for new roles, there is going to be even more applications to jobs. Usually 80-90% of the applications do not even have the relevant experience for the role. In turn your application will be lost or not even looked at. How can you avoid this? Be direct with your approach!! If you have not got a good recruiter who can get you in front of your desired companies, do it yourself. A hiring manager will always respect a willingness to join their team. 5: Give numbers to back up your high achievements This is a sure fire way to back up the fact that you are a “hunter” or “results driven” etc. Buzz words such as this are the most over used thing on a CV but a candidate who can back it up with results is always going to shine through. An example of this could be “built BMW account from $5million to $50million in 5 years” OR “led 5 projects from development to series production of infotainment products”  

Great news in the world of semiconductors!

The German cartel office has given the green light for Bosch, Infineon Technologies, and NXP Semiconductors to acquire stakes in TSMC’s new semiconductor plant in Dresden, Germany. Each of these renowned companies is set to…