
Aesthetically pleasing Infotainment Screens to be short lived?

Stepping into a car fresh of the BMW Group, Mercedes-Benz AG, Porsche AG, AUDI AG (just to name a few) production line can feel like entering the cockpit of a spaceship, the ambient lighting, full dashboard screens and touchscreen capabilities are endless with new innovations constantly being thought up.

However, BMW Group CEO Oliver Zipse thinks its a mistake and believes the trend will be short lived.

“Driver distraction is the main source of accidents — it’s not fast driving,” Zipse said at a media briefing at CES 2023.

Zipse said he is “absolutely convinced” that centre console-based screens that require drivers to look away from the road will soon be history.

“In 10 years, that is gone,” Zipse said. “Probably the regulator will not allow it.”

BMW is planning for Zipse’s prediction to pan out.

BMW are teasing enthusiasts with head up display tech that will feature in the next generation Neue Klasse vehicles starting in 2025.

Zipse described Neue Klasse as a “quantum leap in terms of design, technology design and sustainability.”

What do you think? Is it a fad? Will regulators step in?

Whatever is said and done, you cant deny it’s beauty on a nights drive through the city.

#ces2023 #bmw #infotainment #vehicletechnology #automotiverecruitment 

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