
General Motors "Ultra Cruise" gives Tesla competition!

General Motors “Ultra Cruise” very different take on Tesla “Auto Pilot” & “Full Self-Driving”

General Motors isn’t promising that Ultra Cruise, its hands-free driving system for city streets, can handle every situation right away. Ultra Cruise, which debuts in 2024 on the Cadillac Celestiq, will tell the driver to take over through roundabouts and other intersections requiring complicated manoeuvres, said Jason Ditman, the system’s chief engineer. It also will relinquish control at the threshold of destinations such as a grocery store parking lot or the owner’s driveway, Ditman said. “Over time, we’ll grow this to where we’re covering nearly every paved road,” he told reporters. The limitations that GM is revealing for the system and its repetition of the phrase “safely deploy”, show that the automaker is taking a different tack than Tesla, which is under investigation for accidents involving the semi autonomous features it calls “Autopilot” and “Full Self-Driving”. GM said Ultra Cruise can tackle 95 percent of driving scenarios. #Automotivenews #selfdrivingcars #vehicletechnology #automotiverecruitment

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