
Gentex Announces Investment and Collaboration Agreement with Adasky

ADASKY and Gentex Corporation are collaborating to form an investment partnership to develop and market Adasky’s thermal cameras and software for automotive and smart city applications. Adasky is an innovative Israel-based startup company and Gentex’s investment plans to accelerate their growth to meet future demand for thermal cameras for ADAS level 2+ and Level 3 Highway Pilot vehicle safety systems. #gentex #adasky #technology #thermalsensing #sensing #drivingsafety #startup #investment #automotiverecruitment   Source:

Great news in the world of semiconductors!

The German cartel office has given the green light for Bosch, Infineon Technologies, and NXP Semiconductors to acquire stakes in TSMC’s new semiconductor plant in Dresden, Germany. Each of these renowned companies is set to…