
Honda Stationary Fuel Cell Power Plants for Corporate Offices

Automaker pursues emissions goal with alternative fuel cell backup generator American Honda Motor Company, Inc. plans to launch a new U.S. made fuel cell vehicle next year, & now intends to use the technology on a second front: powering business offices and factories. The Japanese automaker began operating a fuel cell backup power station last week for the data centre at its U.S. corporate headquarters in Torrance, Calif, to demonstrate how the technology can serve as a cleaner alternative to diesel generators. Honda said the California power station is a proof of concept that will help carve its path to zero emissions. The automaker wants to achieve carbon neutrality for all its products and corporate activities by 2050. The use of fuel cell technology at the data centre also represents Honda’s expansion of its fuel cell business beyond passenger cars to embrace commercial vehicles, construction machinery and other stationary power systems, company officials said. “We believe there is a potentially large market for this technology” said Noriya Kaihara, American Honda Motor Co CEO. #emobility #hydrogenenergy #automotiverecruitment

Great news in the world of semiconductors!

The German cartel office has given the green light for Bosch, Infineon Technologies, and NXP Semiconductors to acquire stakes in TSMC’s new semiconductor plant in Dresden, Germany. Each of these renowned companies is set to…