
Renault & Airbus form R&D agreement for EV technology

Airbus said it entered a research and development agreement with auto manufacturer Renault Group under which the companies plan to work together using certain combined efforts between the aviation and automotive industries to bring electric power to more of their products. Airbus said the partnership with Renault, which has many years of experience developing and manufacturing hybrid and electric vehicles, will help it develop hybrid-electric power technology for future aircraft. As part of the agreement, engineering teams from Airbus and Renault “will join forces to mature technologies related to energy storage, which remains one of the main roadblocks for the development of long-range electric vehicles,” Airbus said. The companies’ cooperation is expected to focus in part on improving energy management and battery weight and finding the best ways to move beyond today’s lithium-ion battery designs. Airbus said future generations of batteries with so-called solid-state construction “could double the energy density of batteries in the 2030 timeframe.” The companies also plan to study the potential life cycle of future batteries including environmental implications of their production, service life and potential for recycling. “For the first time, two European leaders from different industries are sharing engineering knowledge to shape the future of hybrid-electric aircraft,’’ said Gilles Le Borgne, EVP, Engineering, Renault Group. “At Renault Group, our 10 years of experience in the electric vehicle value chain gives us some of the strongest feedback from the field and expertise in the performance of battery management systems.”

Great news in the world of semiconductors!

The German cartel office has given the green light for Bosch, Infineon Technologies, and NXP Semiconductors to acquire stakes in TSMC’s new semiconductor plant in Dresden, Germany. Each of these renowned companies is set to…