EV Investment

VINFAST's Electrifying Advancement: Powering up for the EV Revolution!

VinFast, Vietnam’s pioneering electric car manufacturer, is making a significant stride towards self-sufficiency in battery technology.

The company received a monumental boost as Vingroup Chairman Nhat Vuong Pham donated 99.8% of his shares in VinES Energy Solutions Joint Stock Company to VinFast.

This strategic merger bolsters VinFast’s position in the electric vehicle market, reinforcing its competitive edge.

VinES, with its expertise in advanced lithium-ion battery research and development, will now be seamlessly integrated into VinFast.

VinFast will gain access to VinES’s intellectual property, modern manufacturing facilities, technology, partnerships, and supplier contracts.

This comprehensive acquisition represents a pivotal step in building a fully integrated production chain.

Le Thi Thu Thuy, Vice Chairwoman of Vingroup and Global CEO of VinFast, highlights the significance of this move: “The acquisition of VinES will help VinFast control our battery technology and supply chain, thus optimizing operating expenses and enriching technology content in our electric vehicles.”

#ElectricVehicles #BatteryTechnology #EVRevolution

Source: https://cleantechnica.com/2023/10/16/vingroup-invests-in-second-battery-factory-as-vingroup-chief-turns-over-his-shares-in-vines/

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